"You knucklehead, are you dead? can't you see?
Open your eyes, you might be surprised,
and please stop beating me!"
"You're my donkey.
Am I not free to do with you as I please?
And why do you refuse to do what I choose, and go hence? instead you smash my foot against a fence. Geese!"
"If you're fool enough to go on, it won't be long
before you're dead.
So, if you're determined to die, I won't cry,
'cause you're a dern, dumb knucklehead."
"Well, I be! if you ain't a wacky-smart-alecky donkey
that cain't do what I say.
So, I'll treat you as is meet, and beat
your stubbornness away."
"I'll lay down, and not move, you clown,
'cause you're headed for disaster.
So, go ahead and smack and whack;
'cause if you're determined to go ahead,
be my guest, but not on my back."
"Well, if that don't beat all, my leg crushed by a fall,
and an ass speaking to me!
And if that weren't enough, laying down a bluff,
'cause this insanity just can't be."
"Lord, open his eyes that he might see,
that that angel is not standing there for show,
but to foil a 'kuckle-headed fool
'cause he's chosen the wrong way to go."
"Oops! Now I see an awesome sight,
an Angel with sword in hand right in front of me.
I'll go back, but shamed by the fact,
that a dumb donkey saw
what a jackass couldn't see."
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