Saturday, February 28, 2009


Hebriews 9:27
There were two frogs in a pond, croaking away next to each other on twoLilly pads, and one frog croaked to the other, "We must be (croak) careful where we (croak) expose ourselves (croak) at night around this (croak) boghood. The other frog croaked, "Yeah, (croak) there's always danger from those (croak) "evil ones" who love to find us croaking away, (croak) seemingly, without a care in all of vast (croak) pondville." The other frog croaked, "Yeah, (and if a frog can laugh, it did so) I've heard the frog elders say, (croak) that the "evil ones" love to eat us, (croak) which (croak) is frog-boggling!" "Yeah," croaked the other frog, "they say (croak) that after they have stabbed us (croak) with their three pronged (croak) spears, they cut off our legs, (croak) and cook them in a pan, (croak) and they also say that (croak) our legs try to jump our of the pan." (croak)! And the frogs had a croaking good croak a long time over that... The spiritual pond in which we live is a dangerous place. Lurking amongst the Lilly pads and reeds of our pondville are the emissaries of Satan, who love to gig us in all the right places, and if they can catch us unaware, they can cause us great spiritual harm, and possibly kill us. And like the frogs, who laughed at the idea that their legs could escape from the frying pan, we should be laughing at the possibility that we can escape hell's fury, when we are foolish enough to be found croaking away in our spiritual bog, unaware that we are about to be gigged, supposing that because we are professing frogs we can escape the barbed prong of judgment. (croak, croak, croak!) SHALOM :)
Croak, croak, croak, listen to the message of the frog. Croak, croak, croak, listen to the message from the bog. :) Evil is no joke, it haunts the brackish bogs, gigging unsuspecting frogs in the croaking of a croak.

"You knucklehead, are you dead? can't you see?
Open your eyes, you might be surprised,
and please stop beating me!"
"You're my donkey.
Am I not free to do with you as I please?
And why do you refuse to do what I choose, and go hence? instead you smash my foot against a fence. Geese!"
"If you're fool enough to go on, it won't be long
before you're dead.
So, if you're determined to die, I won't cry,
'cause you're a dern, dumb knucklehead."
"Well, I be! if you ain't a wacky-smart-alecky donkey
that cain't do what I say.
So, I'll treat you as is meet, and beat
your stubbornness away."
"I'll lay down, and not move, you clown,
'cause you're headed for disaster.
So, go ahead and smack and whack;
'cause if you're determined to go ahead,
be my guest, but not on my back."
"Well, if that don't beat all, my leg crushed by a fall,
and an ass speaking to me!
And if that weren't enough, laying down a bluff,
'cause this insanity just can't be."
"Lord, open his eyes that he might see,
that that angel is not standing there for show,
but to foil a 'kuckle-headed fool
'cause he's chosen the wrong way to go."
"Oops! Now I see an awesome sight,
an Angel with sword in hand right in front of me.
I'll go back, but shamed by the fact,
that a dumb donkey saw
what a jackass couldn't see."